Sunday, February 28, 2021

Week #9 Well at least I am consistent - 430 days and counting


Week #9 - 388 miles
February - 1145 miles

Well this month was a hard one as far as trying to get solid training in. The weather was shit most days, but it looks like things may be getting better. I was able to get in 114 miles this Saturday with Larry. It was a nice ride after the fog lifted and it dried out a bit. The roads are in pretty good shape right now and with 60 degree weather coming, it will only get better. The next two weeks I will have to spend some extra time at the store but should still be able to get in some good miles. Hopefully in 3 weeks will be my next big ride along with getting the bike dialed in for IWAR. I guess the good thing is I shouldn't be overtrained going into this first race of the year.
I was also able to reach 430 consecutive days of training today, so the streak continues. This month also marks 1,000+ miles for 32 months in a row!

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Week #8 Damn, I hope this is the last of real winter


Week #8 - 196 miles

Ok, this week really sucked. More snow and really fricking cold. I did get out on Saturday and get in 5 hours of gravel before we got more snow on Sunday. This is getting old real quick and I need to get back to putting in some miles. Looks like we will get some warming this week and hopefully will get some melting in. It was kind of nice out in the park but I waited a bit too long and the snow was getting very soft. Any time you were not paying attention you could easily slip out of the path into the deep snow. I guess the one good thing is I have gone 423 consecutive days without a day off. Hopefully there will be many more.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Week #7 Just when I thought it couldn't get any colder - stuck inside for 7+ hours


Week #7 - 326 miles

Holy shit it got cold! Oh and we got more snow!! I had to spend Saturday inside on the trainer and got in 155 miles. I had originally planned to get in 8+ hours but I just wasn't feeling it. It had been a couple years since I have done a real long ride on the trainer and I got bored fairly quickly. Hopefully things will get back to normal here soon so I can get back outside and get some real miles in. The only good thing is I know I have logged so many miles in the last year that I will come around quickly once it warms up. I still hope to get in a couple 200 mile rides before IWAR but I may only get one in. This is going to be a long year with the three ultra races I have planned so there is no need to be super fit too early. The good things is I have had some time to plan out how I am going to set up my bike and I think I have almost everything set up. Excited to try out my new light system from Light and Motion!

Sunday, February 7, 2021

WEEK #6 More snow and the temps decided to drop - READY FOR SPRING!


Week #6 - 233 miles

Ok, it got frickin' cold out and it's still snowing. I am getting tired of shoveling and my back isn't happy either. The other day I must have strained it while shoveling. Luckily I was able to get in 5 hours on Thursday before the temps dropped. I finally got around to finishing the bathroom since I figured this was a good opportunity to do it. It looks like this week is going to be in the single digits so I hopefully will get out on the fat tire bike for a few rides. Probably stay on the trainer for a few rides also. I am seriously looking at driving somewhere this upcoming weekend to do a ride if the weather doesn't warm up a bit.