Sunday, September 24, 2023

Week #39 Ready for Cannonball 550!


Week #39 - 587 miles

Hopefully things are ready to go for Cannonball 550 starting on next Friday. It looks like the weather will cooperate but I am still planning on taking a few more layers than last year. I got caught in some foggy conditions and it got really cold. The plan is to take a couple naps if I need them. I probably can go a little faster if I take one or two 20 minute naps.
This week I managed to get over 20,000 miles for the 4th consecutive year. Not sure what the total will be come the end of December, but so far it has been a great year.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Week #38 - Feeling like things are coming together

Week #38 - 577 miles

This was my first week under 600 miles in over 5 weeks and I still got in three 100+ mile rides. My body is feeling pretty good even though there were a couple days that I was a little tired. Probably try to back things off a little bit more for the next couple weeks while getting ready for Cannonball. I was happy to get over 1360 days of consecutive riding and getting closer to that 100,000 mile mark which should happen next spring. Right now I am about 89K into it. This coming week will get me over the 20K mark for the year, which is about 700ish miles ahead of last year.


Sunday, September 10, 2023

Week #37 Five weeks - 3,196 miles

Week #37 - 607 miles

This was my fifth week of 600+ miles. Also was able to get over 19,000 miles for the year, just over 900 miles at this time last year. Most of this prep is going into Cannonball 550 this year. Hopefully the weather will cooperate and we will have a fairly dry, windless year. Tough ask, but one can only hope! Weather and mechanicals are probably the two biggest issues in ultras and it's hard to predict them. No matter what happens, there will probably be some really cool roads down there.


Sunday, September 3, 2023

Week #36 4th week of 600+ miles


Week #36 - 610
August - 2700 miles

This was the 4th week of 600+ miles: 673, 653, 652,& 610. Not my biggest 4 week but the first time I have had 4 consecutive 600 mile weeks. Also 11 rides of 100+ miles in the 4 weeks with LV being one of them. This should set me up good for Cannonball 550 at the end of the month. I will do one more longer ride next Saturday where I will leave a little after midnight and ride down to Marysville and watch the start of Pony Express and ride home. Hoping to get in 160+ miles that day.